Solar Physics Lecture Notes
by Ling-Hsiao Lyu /

Citation: Lyu, L. H. (2007), Solar Physics Lecture Notes,

Table of Contents

Lecture 0: Introduction to Solar Physics

Lecture 1: The Solar Interior: The Interplay Among the Gravitational Force, Pressure Gradient Force, the Coriolis Force, and the Electromagnetic Force
太陽的一生 與 太陽的內部結構     Solar_ppt1_Astro_solar.pdf (6.9MB)
暗星雲與亮星雲 見證著 星星的生與死  Solar_ppt1a_dark_nebula.pdf (1.0MB)
霹靂說與星系分布的觀測        Solar_ppt1b_galaxy_BigBang.pdf (18.6MB)
全華高一地科第三章草稿        Ch03_940810.pdf (20.3MB)
Last update 9/17/2007

Lecture 2: The Solar Atmosphere and Solar Cycle: Yahkoh, SoHO, TRACE, and Ground Observations
2.1 光球層上的現象:黑子與米粒組織    Solar_ppt2a_SunSpotsGranule.pdf (4.2MB)
2.2 色球層附近的現象:日珥以及日珥噴發  Solar_ppt2b_PromienceFlareCME.pdf (6.3MB)
2.3 日冕、日冕洞、與太陽風        Solar_ppt2c_corona_CH_SW.pdf (1.7MB)
2.4 日出人造衛星觀測影片 (18.7MB)
Last update 10/03/2007

Lecture 3: Instabilities in the Solar Interior and in the Solar Atmosphere
Last update 10/08/2007

Lecture 4: Structures and Distributions of the Solar Prominences / Filaments
Solar_ppt3_1998-5-6-7Ha.pdf (36.5MB)
Solar_ppt4_1998-12-1999-1-2Ha.pdf (123.7MB)
Last update 12/03/2007

Lecture 5: On the Cause of Solar Differential Rotation
Solar_ppt5_SolarDR.pdf (17.7MB)
Last update 12/03/2007

Lecture 6: Living With a Star: Solar Wind, Coronal Mass Ejection, Magnetic Cloud, and Solar Flare